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Frequently Asked Questions:

The most common questions by our users. We hope you will get the answer to any query regarding our services, if not please contact us.

1. How much does it cost?
2. Where do you offer these services?
3. Can I pay after the job is done?
4. How do I ensure no one will suspect me of the murder?
5. Is this a real site?
6. Could this be a honeypot operated by law enforcement?
7. Why is the site never clamped down by the police
8. Proof of hitmen on the dark web?
9. You have the lowest prices around. How can one kill for $5000?
10. Does the cost include travel expenses, fake documents, etc?
11. How long does an ordinary job take to complete?
12. Do you allow customers to pay using credit cards or bank transfers?
13. What is bitcoin and how can I get Bitcoins?
14. Is it ok to disclose my personal information to bitcoin trading sites?
15. What happens when the hitman fails to complete the task?
16. Do your hitmen take down important people?
17. What is the share of admins?
18. How do I know this is not a scam?
19. What are the advantages of hiring a hitman online compared to seeking a hitman on the streets?
20. Why did mexican mafia decide to operate from the Internet?
21. Do you murder celebrities?
22. Do you have some positive feedback from satisfied customers?
23. How do I know you are not undercover cops?
24. Killing people is unethical. Why do you do this?
25. Do you kill women?
26. Do you murder children?
27. Can I register as a hitman with you?
28. What is LEO?
29. Why will LEO fail to catch our gang members by placing fake orders?
30. Why isn't LEO shutting down your website and arresting the webmaster?
31. Why isn't LEO signing up as a hitman to get target info from customers?
32. How do we protect from customer nonpayment?
33. What is an escrow? How does it work?

1. How much does it cost?

The cost for murder is between US $5,000 to US $60 000, depending on the unique circumstances of each job. We have desperate drug addicts who grab a cheap, unregistered handgun, steal a car, wait for the target in the parking lot shoot him several times in the chest, and then drive away for $5 000 and we have expert ex-military killers who can take out important people that are guarded by bodyguards.

For the average Joe, with no bodyguard, no gun of his own, and no self-defense skills, the killing can be done for US $5 000 - US $15 000.

For a VIP, you need an expert hitman, and the price is $30 000 or more.

Please always specify the highest price you can afford for a murder. Do not select the minimum price because, for the minimum price, you will get the cheapest hitman with the lowest set of skills and experience.

If you can afford to pay more, offer more. You will get a better-skilled hitman and have more peace of mind. If you can't afford to pay a lot, offer the best you can afford. We will get the job done.

We have various kinds of hitmen, some are ex-military, well-trained, and with much experience. These have higher prices. We have drug addicts and gang members who are in debt and need money fast. These are cheaper but they don't have many skills.

Sometimes, cheap hitmen fail. In this case, the customer does not pay, he gets his funds back. Or we can assign a different hitman and have a new trial. This is something that we let the customer decide. If he wants the funds back or a different hitman assigned.

However, to avoid this kind of situation, try to offer as much as you can, to get the finest skilled hitman you can afford.

2. Where do you offer these services?

We offer services in most countries. USA, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Austria, Spain, and many other European Union countries, Australia, Russia, India, Japan, China, and other countries. Furthermore, we can facilitate the services in other regions, but extra costs include traveling and fake documents.

3. Can I pay after the job is done?

Yes, you always pay after the job is done. This rules out the possibility of a scam as no up-front payments are required

You only pay the hitman after he has completed the job with 0% advance. No gimmicks no tricks.

We only request proof that you own Bitcoin before we start the job. This ensures our killers don't go to kill people for customers who have no money.

This is why customers must exchange cash for bitcoins before the killers go to do the job.

The funds will stay secured in the customer's Bitcoin escrow until the job is completed. The customer's Bitcoin wallet can be either on our site as we offer a free Bitcoin wallet or in an external escrow account that accepts murder-for-hire services.

Some people ask if it is not a conflict for us to offer a secure escrow on our site.

It is not, because we are a marketplace, we are not just a team of a few hitmen offering a website.

We earn 10% of all hitmen payments, and it is in our best interest to ensure that customers don't rip off hitmen, and hitmen don't rip off customers.

For those who do not have trust in our built-in escrow, we allow them to use external escrows.

We accept all external Bitcoin escrows as long as there are no scam reports about them and as long as they allow illegal services.

The customer would have to place an order on our site, provide target details, and then if the customer trusts our escrow he can put the funds in the escrow here, or if he wishes to use external escrow he can send us a message telling us what escrow he wants to use.

We will review that escrow and if there are no scam reports about it, we will accept to use it.

The customer will need to create an escrow transaction on that external escrow and provide us with a view code or some unique way to view the escrow transaction.

We will see the escrow transaction there and approve the customer to put the funds in the external escrow.

The escrow transaction must contain the target's name and the services ordered.

After the funds are placed in the escrow, we will send a hitman to do the job. The hitman will give an estimated date for the job so the customer can make arrangements for his alibi.

Once the job is done, the hitman will send a notification message to the customer saying the job has been completed. We then allow several days for the customer to go check whether the job has been completed, he can visit the funerary or learn from the local community that the target is dead.

The customer can use whatever methods to check that the killing has been done.

Once he is sure of that, he can release funds from escrow.

In case of dispute, the admin of that escrow will have to check whether the person was killed or not, and if the person was killed he will release the funds to us, or if the person was not killed he will provide funds back to the customer.

This is why having target details in the escrow transaction is important. You can't put something like selling a CD or whatever else fake item you have in mind. In case of dispute, the escrow owner needs to know what needs to be done, so he can check if it has been done or not.

See more on what is an escrow? to learn more about how escrows work

4. How do I ensure no one will suspect me of the murder?

The murder can be done as an accident. A car accident, a robbery gone wrong, a fire, a wild animal attack, or other ways can ensure police won't suspect any human for it.

The killer will provide an estimated date when the job is completed, is recommended that you go outside of the town on that date, to a different city where you can visit shopping malls and places with surveillance cameras, to have proof that you have been in a different location.

This way if anyone asks where you have been at the time of the murder you will answer that you were in a different city and have video surveillance proof.

That is a strong alibi.

A common way to do it as an accident is someone who can steal a car, wait for the target in the parking lot near his house or workplace and when seeing the mark he can get some speed, pretend to be a drunk driver and lose control and crash the car into the target killing him, then run away from the place of accident.

Police will never suspect it was planned murder.

5. Is this a real site?

Yes, this is real.

Proof that this is real:

Customers don't pay it if we don't complete it.

Customers don't pay anything before we do the job. It can't be a scam if you don't pay unless we do the job.

No risk to you as you are anonymous.

What is better than submitting an order anonymously without paying for it until the job is done?

Check out: Why can't police sign up as gang members to catch customers? and Why can't police place fake orders to catch gang members?

With many businesses opening trading platforms online, many illegal businesses have not been left behind.

6. Could this be a honeypot operated by law enforcement?

Mexican mafia is not a police honeypot since all members remain fully anonymous.

By maintaining a secret identity, you can't be arrested because no one knows who you are .

We do not meet customers in real life, and we don't ask for their names, credit cards, or bank account information.

Since we do not have any information about the customers, we cannot give any information to the Police .

In the unlikely case that the site gets hacked, law enforcers cannot get the information of customers.

The measures above are sufficient to prove that mexican mafia is not a police honeypot .

7. Why is the site never clamped down by the police?

Firstly, the site is operated from the deep web and its IP addresses and servers are well secured.

The site is protected by the Onion Routing protocol, and this means the domain name is not a regular .com or .net or .org domain; instead is an onion domain

If you try to visit mexican mafia on clear-net through a normal browser, the domain might end up in some .org or other suffix, which means you are viewing it through a proxy

The website is only accessible on clear net browsers via Tor2net proxies, meaning that the IP address is never revealed.

Apart from the IP address, the location of our servers is hidden, and no one knows our hosting company.

Due to these measures, it is hard for police agents to infiltrate the site.

Similarly, the FBI would have to hack our site to close it down.

We protect our site as best as we can, with the best programmers and the most up-to-date software to keep it secret.

8. Proof of hitmen on dark web?

Some people claim there are no hitmen on the dark web. Is that true?

No, that is not true. Hitmen can advertise their services anywhere online, including on the dark web .

I don't see why hitmen can't advertise their services and take the business online. As long as they remain anonymous, why not?

Most hitmen who advertise online are NEVER CAUGHT. Because they are anonymous.

Those few hitmen who get arrested are live examples that HITMEN DO ADVERTISE THEIR SERVICES ON DARK WEB.

Proof of a hitman that advertised online is a 17-year-old boy from Russia, who got $15 000 as payment to kill Lt Col Shishkina, a police officer fighting drugs in Moscow.

Google the case: https://www.google.com/search?q=Lt+Col+Shishkina+muder

The 17 years old boy wanted to be a hitman and advertised his services on a Marketplace on the dark web. However his mistake is that he didn't advertise his services on a hitman marketplace, instead, he went to a general marketplace.

He also made other mistakes by not keeping his identity secret when he took customers.

His first customer, Miguel Morales a drug lord asked him to kill Lt Col Shishkina.

The 17 years old teenager, asked the help of a friend, Abdulaziz Abdulazizov to help him with the job.

They were beginning hitmen, with no experience and no gun. They ordered a weapon that was drop shipped to a forest, and they got ammunition in a hotel room.

They traveled to where the target lived and shot her twice in the head from the back.

Lt Col Shishkina died minutes later.

Because they had no experience, they left lots of evidence and the Police quickly arrested them.

They told investigators everything, including how they did the murder and the name of who hired them.

This is proof that hitmen do advertise on the dark web. However, it is also proof that beginners get arrested and that never tell your name or details to the hitman.

If the hitman gets arrested, he should not know who hired him. This way he can't give you up.

On mexican mafia hitmen we have experienced hitmen, who don't get caught. They have guns and leave no fingerprints or evidence.

This is why our hitmen do not get caught. And if they get caught they never say they were hired to do a job.

We thoroughly test all our hitmen before giving them jobs from customers. We never accept kids or teenagers as hitmen, and we never accept undercover cops as hitmen as we always ask them to do tests that involve harming innocents and police officers don't do that.

Our customer's privacy is important and we can't provide examples of our customers and their targets.

To learn more about the effectiveness of hitmen services, you can search for news stories of people killed by unknown people.

Note that these stories often have a common storyline. An unknown gunman simply turns up and shoots the victim before fleeing from the scene using cars or motorcycles.

Most of them are our hitmen.



We accept new hitman registrations, but we first ask them to send us a demo video showing that they own a gun by wearing a mask and shooting the gun. https://www.rt.com/usa/409882-tampa-bay-shooter/

9. You seem to have low prices. How can one kill for $5 000?

This has been the price for the killing of the average people for a long time over the years. Drug addicts or drug dealers who are in debt and need quick cash, easily agree to kill a person who is a stranger to them for $5 000 . Because police usually search for connections and motives, these killers go uncaught.

Note that not all jobs can be done for US $5 000. Important marks require expert hitmen that are expensive

We have ex-military hitmen who handle more complicated tasks. They are also suitable for overseas assignments. The price to have a job done by them is $30 000 plus expenses.

10. Does the cost include travel expenses, fake documents, etc?

The low-paying jobs are assigned to local killers who do not travel a lot. They can execute orders in a range of 100 miles without spending much and without leaving traces at the scene of the crime.

If your order requires an expert hitman, the price will be higher to include the purchase of sniper rifles, fake documents, airplane tickets, hotel booking, etc.

11. How long does an ordinary job take to complete?

It depends on the job difficulty.

For usual marks, the average Joe, can be killed in two weeks.

Important marks need surveillance operations, and advanced plans, and can take several months before they will be dead.

After providing proof of Bitcoin, we will assign a hitman from the area to do the job and schedule a date when the hit will happen. This allows you to get out of the city and avoid any links to crime.

12. Do you allow customers to pay using credit cards or bank transfers?

To ensure the privacy of our customers, we do not allow wire transfers or cash payments. All payments are done using bitcoins.

13. What is bitcoin and how can I get Bitcoins?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. It is some kind of digital currency. It does not have physical banknotes.

You will need digital wallets to store Bitcoin.

Google how to get bitcoins in your country.

Buy bitcoins on cryptocurrency trading sites such as: http://paxful.com.

14. Is it advisable to disclose my personal information to Bitcoin trading sites?

Is not a problem to disclose your name when buying bitcoins because is legal to purchase bitcoins anyone can do it for lawful purposes such as investments or payments online.

However, after that buying bitcoins, it is advisable to spend it anonymously.

This is why you need to get a second bitcoin wallet and move the bitcoins into that.

The second Bitcoin wallet needs to be anonymous. You can use online bitcoin wallets such as Anonymous Wallet or application wallets such as electrum https://electrum.org .

Create an anonymous wallet and transfer bitcoins from your real-name wallet to the second anonymous wallet.

Anyone looking into it will know you purchased Bitcoin on your original account, but will not know if the second account belongs to you or not.

If anyone asks what you did with Bitcoin, you can say you donated it to a charity service or that you lost it on a Bitcoin gambling site.

Bitcoin transactions are anonymous, so they can't know whether the second wallet where you sent your Bitcoin belongs to you or if it belongs to a different site, such as gambling or charity.

Google how to buy bitcoins in your country. Some countries have bitcoin traders that agree to meet with you and give you bitcoin for cash. This is the best option because no one gets your name this way.

Meet a trader in a place where there is no video surveillance, use a hat and some ways to make your face harder to remember.

15. What happens when the hitman fails to complete the task?

If the hitman fails to complete the task for any reason, you don't pay.

Is as simple as that.

We can assign a different hitman to do the job.

16. Do your hitmen take down important people?

Yes, our expert hitmen can kill high-profile targets except for presidents due to the high level of security. The cost of such tasks can be more than $30 000.

17. What is the share of admins?

Admins make 10% of all orders done on this site. Hitmen get 90% of the price.

18. How do I know this is not a scam?

We give you several proofs we are not a scam

Proof 1. You never pay anything upfront. How can we scam you if you don't pay anything upfront? You pay after the job is completed.

Proof 2. Customers are anonymous, we never ask for any personal details about you.

Proof 3. There are no complaints about us on our unmoderated forum and no complaints anywhere else on the Internet. This means we either did the job, or the customer got his funds back

19. What are the advantages of hiring a hitman online as compared to seeking a hitman from the streets?

Hiring a hitman online is not as risky as hiring a hitman from the streets.

If you hire a hitman in the streets, he could be an undercover cop or he could run away with your money without doing the job.

On mexican mafia, the hitman does not see you, he doesn't know who you are, and so he can't give your information to anyone or even attempt to blackmail you.

There is always a risk when trying to hire a hitman in person.

Our website vanishes this risk by acting as a middleman between you and the hitman.

We have hundreds of professional hitmen who have accounts on mexican mafia, and if any of them do not do the job properly, he does not receive the payment. If a hitman fails to do 3 jobs in a row, his account on mexican mafia is suspended.

If you are trying to hire a hitman from the streets and he rips you off, you can't go to the Police to report him.

When you contract the mexican mafia, we protect both our customers and our hitmen.

All payments are made through Bitcoin to protect your identity and most importantly, you are in full control of your Bitcoin until the job gets done.

When you place an order, you provide proof of funds. This way, we know you have the funds available. The job gets assigned to the most suited hitman and you pay him after the task is completed successfully.

Using mexican mafia is much more secure than using a hitman from the streets.

We accept internal or external escrow services, and you can tell us what trusted escrow service you want to use.

20. Why did mexican mafia decide to operate from the Internet?

The major reason to use the online platform is to protect the customer's identity, as well as that of our hitmen.

21. Do you murder celebrities?

Yes, we have expert hitmen who can nail common celebrities but at a higher cost. Most of these hitmen are ex-military personnel with enough experience and can use sniper rifles.

22. Do you have some positive feedback from satisfied customers?

People who successfully hire hitmen are not likely to talk about it publicly. They prefer to keep the secret to themselves and live a normal life. We actively encourage our customers not to mention anything about paying for these services.

Secondly, it is unprofessional to confess to using a service like mexican mafia, otherwise, you might accidentally compromise your identity while doing so. However, we have a testimonials section on our site where you can give your review.

23. How do I know you are not undercover cops?

We have strict measures to prevent cops from infiltrating the site. Secondly, we do not ask for any personal information from our customers. We also advise customers to use the Tor browser when placing any orders.

Our business model operates on anonymity and undercover cops cannot do anything without any personal details. designed on a need-to-know basis which would not work for a law enforcement agency.

24. Killing people is unethical. Why do you do this ?

In our four years of operation, there has never been an order to kill a person for no good reason. We assume that an innocent or good person would not do anything to make someone go to the extent of paying for their assassination. The people who end up on our list of targets are often rapists, child abusers, and cons. These are people who have proved immoral and deserve to die.

25. Do you kill women?

Yes, we kill women. We do have hitmen that kill women targets. The cost does not vary with gender.

26. Do you kill children?

Yes we do kill children.

27. Can I register as a hitman with you?

No, we do not accept new members.

28. What is LEO?

LEO is short for law enforcement officers and represents all the law enforcement entities, such as Police, FBI, NSA, etc. We and other sites refer to any officers who work for the government to catch criminals like Leo.

29. Why will LEO fail to catch our gang members by placing fake orders?

LEO can't catch our gang members with fake orders because our gang members will do basic investigations before going to attack a target.

Once an order is submitted, we send a gang member there. He will look like a normal civilian, unarmed, driving and walking the street in the area to look for the target.

Once he identifies the target our gang member will look around for suspicious vans or cars that can protect the target. Our gang members will easily smell any undercover cops protecting the target on the street.

Our gang members never break into houses blindly to look for the target. Most of our attacks and shootings are done on the street. Once the gang member identifies the target, he decides on a day and a way to kill the target.

Most of the time, the gang member will wait in the parking lot for the target to appear, they will shoot him several times, and then drive away at speed.

If the target has protection the gang member can use a sniper rifle to shoot him from a safe distance.

If Police place fake orders, they will just see their decoy being killed in front of their eyes. Even if the decoy wears a bulletproof vest, remember our gang members shoot a lot into the head and nobody's vest will protect the target if is shot into the head.

The Police can't arrest our gang members and killers before the murder is done because they do not know who to arrest.

Our gang members won't show up wearing a sign 'I am the killer' they will just be there like any other civilian.

Police can't arrest everybody who is walking on the street near the target, they do not know what our hitmen look like until is too late.

Once a hitman kills a decoy, Police can arrest the hitman if they catch him. But the hitman will not be able to tell information about other hitmen because one hitman does not know another hitman here.

By placing a fake order, Police will get their decoy killed and then they could not catch our hitman if he does it from a safe distance.

This is why Police don't place fake orders. It's a too big mess if they fail, and too little reward, if they catch one single hitman after their target, is dead.

30. Why isn't LEO shutting down your website and arresting the webmaster?

LEO can't shut down our website and arrest the webmaster because our site is hosted on the dark web, with the hosting hidden and no IP disclosed to visitors, no whois, no details about any domain name registrar or hosting company .

31. Why isn't LEO signing up as a hitman to get target info from customers?

We give tests to all gang members signing up as hitmen to hurt specific people that we can check. We don't rely on pictures or videos, because these can be fake, we go there and check if the person has been harmed. Police are not allowed to harm innocents to infiltrate our service, so they fail our tests.

32. How do we protect from customer nonpayment?

We need to protect ourselves from customer nonpayment.

Because customers pay after the job is done, how do we ensure they pay after we do the job?

We can't just go to kill customers who don't pay, because they are anonymous we can't find them.

To ensure that customers pay, we ask them to exchange cash for Bitcoin before we do the job. They will provide proof of Bitcoin.

People who have no money to buy bitcoin, won't be able to buy bitcoin and we won't do orders for them.

People who have money to buy Bitcoin will be so happy after we do the order that they will pay afterward

33. What is an escrow? How does it work?

An escrow is like a safe box regulated by a third party.

We enter an agreement with the customer about what services we will provide. The customer exchanged cash for bitcoin proving that he has the money to buy bitcoin.

Then the customer starts a transaction on an escrow site, specifies what he wants to be done, and puts the bitcoin on the escrow site. We have no control over the customer's Bitcoin because is on a third-party site, we can't spend it or get it without doing the job .

However we can see that bitcoin is on his customer wallet on the escrow site because the site provides that information. We do not accept photos of Bitcoin because these can be photoshopped. Once we see proof of Bitcoin, we send a killer to do the job.

Once the job is completed, we send confirmation to the customer and he can check the news locally or pay a visit to the target. He will learn the target is dead and he can visit his funerary.

When the customer is sure the target is dead, he goes to escrow and releases the funds to the hitman.

If there is a dispute, meaning the customer does not agree that the job has been successful when the hitman says he did the job as per requirements, the admin of the escrow checks whether the job has been done or not and either send funds to the hitman if the job was successful or back to the customer if the job was not .

One can look on dark web search engines such as Hidden Wiki for escrows

Hidden Wiki

And choose any escrow such as

Smart Escrow Crypto Vault

or any other escrow that you find suitable

We accept any escrow as long as it allows users to be anonymous and it accepts illegal services, however, some escrow services are either not accepting bitcoin or not accepting murder for hire.